Struts 2 Architecture is based on WebWork 2 framework. It leverages
Struts 2 Architecture
Struts 2 is a very elegant and flexible front controller framework based on
Figure 1 depicts the architecture of the Struts 2 framework.
The controller receives the user request and determine which Struts 2 action
Apache Struts 2 is an elegant, extensible framework for creating
struts2-core.jar (The framework itself); xwork.jar (Struts 2 is
Diagram showing the components of the Struts 2 framework, including the 'Web
The Struts2 framework will ensure that the PhoneNumber converter is invoked
The WebWork architecture has much in common with unadorned Model 2
The figure below shows how Struts 2 fits into a web application's
Struts2 Framework provides wide variety of features to create a rich web
In Struts 2 the action resides on the ValueStack which is a part of the
Apache Struts 2 Architecture in a Nutshell

In Struts 2 the view is commonly implemented using JSP, Velocity Template,
A request is made and processed by the framework - the framework matches the
Just have a llok into the following diagram for Struts 2 architecture
In this tutorial, it shows a complete example to integrate the Struts 2 and
Create new application in NetBeans IDE with Struts 2 Framework and Hibernate
Figure 2. Struts 2 request processing flow (click for a larger image)